Oh how we are being spoiled by the weather Gods…another race day with near perfect conditions. Horizon to horizon sunshine and 7 to 10 knots of cool wind veering and backing between WNW and WSW. The Session manager, Steve, was delighted to welcome a large turnout of volunteers to his briefing at 0930 outside the clubhouse. Below us, nodding on the water as they were buffeted by the wind, were eight 303, 5 Liberty, a sole 2.3, two Martins, a Venture and two Stratos ready for….well, who knows. WS’s Tuesdays and Thursdays are like unexpected gifts – nobody knows precisely what they will reveal. Yesterday, there was a steady stream of sailors, carers and other visitors from around 0945 until by lunchtime there must have been 50 plus folk enjoying a day out by the water – and many of them having been out on the water or having lunch before going out. A marvellous sight!
Amongst this throng there were many bonafide Racers who were eager to get out and enjoy the spritely conditions. Eventually there were 16 WS Racers and 3 guests milling about on the start line at 1125. Here are some photos taken before the race…
The 3-2-1 minute gongs sounded and eventually the race started with a beat up to the windward Mark A, rounding it to starboard to start a reach across to Mark B, again leaving it to starboard before a long run downwind to Mark D and a reach across to Mark J before beating back to Mark A, ensuring they went through the starting gate at the end of each lap.
Here is a video of the Start – It is great to see how well many of you are doing in getting close to the start line ready for the final gong. But you can also see an alternative method, employed by Peter Gregory in his 2.4m (aka The Red Torpedo). Find him and then see where he sails before the Start, carefully avoiding other boats, and how he eventually arrives at exactly the point along the Start line that will enable him to sail nearly directly to the first Mark A. (The lesson seems to be – getting close to the Start line as gong sounds is important BUT POSSIBLY more important is WHERE you cross the Start line. Ed.) As in recent weeks, do view the video and see how well you were able to employ the tactics which you decided you needed to, from watching the videos of Starts of some races earlier in the season. (Well, one can but hope! Ed)
The Result was:
- Mark Cayzer with his crew Andrew in Access 303 Sail #8
- Martin Newman and Seb in Martin #125
- Peter Wagner in Liberty #21
- Fay Watson and James Thomas in 303 #6
- David Mason in Liberty #22
- Ben Gubb and Di in 303 #9
- Peter Gregory in 2.4m #102
- Lewis Atkins in 303 #7
- Mike Blatchford in Liberty #25
- Geoff Taylor in 303 #5
- Jake Jones and Natasha in 303 #4
- Tom Philllips in 303 #3
- Ann Frewer in 2.3 #279
- Trevor Monk in Liberty #23
- Imogen Fletcher and Pat in 303 #10
John Beck and his crew Paul in 303 #12 retired due to equipment failure (Apologies for that John! Ed) and guest entries were Beth in Stratos #2, Fenton in Stratos # 3 and Ian Gubb in 303 #2. Well done to you all.
Many thanks to all the volunteers who help get the Rcers on the water and crew for those who want a crew, and to those in the Commando and Rib keeping an eye out for any mishaps and to Paul Cove who assisted in the Race Hut (in preparation to help Fleur Bryant in the Race Hut during Peter Ashwell’s absence for three weeks).
Thanks to a certain David McKee for adjusting my outhaul before the race. Nos 22 and 25 main sails looked a little bit too tight! But David and I had a great duel lasting the whole race! Also, thanks to the race officer & his assistant in the race hut!
Adjusting the “outhaul” (which flattens the sail when tight or allows the sail to take a more curved shape when looser) is something which not all Racers are physically able to do. If that is the case then it is useful – as Peter found out – to make a decision before you leave the pontoon of how tight or loose you want it to be. Generally the stronger the wind, the tighter you would set the outhaul. However, if you are able to make the adjustment on the water then one normally tightens it when beating and loosens it when reaching and running.