Well it’s the start of another year of Wealden Racing and it’s all change in how the races are organised and run. Hopefully it will make it easier for whichever volunteer is running the race to keep on top of who is ahead on the course….but only time will tell if that is the case…!!
For those still not too sure what’s happening, the big difference is that we are now running each race on the standard (like most sailing clubs) “handicap” format, where every boat starts together, races for a set amount of time, then are finished the next time they cross the finish line. Their total time taken, along with the number of laps completed in that time, is put into a formula along with a magic number known as a “Portsmouth Yardstick”, which give their “calculated” finish time, allowing for the difference in each boats performance. So just because the fastest boat crosses the line first, does not make it the winner…!!
Another big change that several racers commented on, were the strange “BING’s” emanating from a hut near the club house, and a voice “coming from the sky”….. The hut is the club’s race hut and the voice was just that of the race officer of the day, trying to help everyone understand what was happening..?!?!
Anyway, on to the results for the very first Wealden Sailability Race run under the handicap format:
- 1st Peter Gregory
- 2nd Mike Blatchford
- 3rd David Mason
- 4th Bob Fisher
- 5th Peter Wagner
- 6th Faye Watson
- 7th Steve Farmer
- 8th Ann Frewer
- 9th Brian Mac
- 10th Mark Cayzer
- 11th Andy Wallace
Mike, the race was much better! No smashing into boats at the start ( I’m working on resolving that) and a little bit easier to follow the faster boats. Didn’t really matter to me that we had to wait for actual finish positions as I haven’t a clue where I am during most races. Glad that you have found your voice, was it you shouting water, water and starboard? Sorry to say that I have to miss this Thursday’s episode. Steve