What a joyous occasion took place as over 50 WS Racers and their support crews and volunteers were welcomed by the Trustees to celebrate their achievements during the year. Special guests were Gina Marsh and Eileen McCormick who had kindly agreed to present the new trophies which the Trustees had decided to create in memory of Bob and Brian, two stalwarts who had been at the heart of Wealden Sailability, from its outset, and major contributors to everything the charity has become.
The Peter Hazlewood Trophy was presented to Mike Blatchford by WS President, Brian Stanley; the Bob Marsh Trophy was presented to Mike Blatchford by Gina Marsh; the Brian McCormick Trophy was presented to Mark Cayzer by Eileen McCormick; the Spring and Summer series’ Podium places were presented to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd placed WS Racers by Nigel Lamb, the WS Trustee responsible for Racing (Except David Mason – 2nd in the Spring Series – who was sorting out a leaking roof, nevertheless heartily applauded! Ed); and the WS Qualifers in both Series were presented with their Qualifier Certificate by Fleur Bryant who, together with Peter Ashwell, assist Nigel Lamb to organise WS Racing’s events throughout the year. The WS Racers support crews and many of the WS volunteers who help the WS Racers on race days, both on and off the water and in the clubhouse, were a very enthusiastic audience to the presentations
Here is a slide show of photographs taken by David Barker of the gathering and the presentations:
The Trustees and we hope that everyone associated with Wealden Sailabilty has a very comfortable and healthy winter and we look forward to seeing you all in April 2020…..only 142 days to go!! Nigel, Fleur and Peter
What lovely sets of pearlies!
Thank you David and all those pictures of the winners and for such a locally set of smiles – especially you Fleur!! Congratulations to all of you – in our eyes you are all winners!!