It was good to see the turnout for racing and how close its all become on my return to Wealden.
The 9th was a pleasant sunny day with a changeable wind (how unusual) coming from the east. The start was between the pontoon and ‘K’ with buoy ‘D’ being dragged down to the far end of the narrows for the first mark, back to ‘C’ for the second mark and then down to ‘K’ again, rounding all marks to port.
I ran the race as I had in 2015, with a target length of 30 minutes and a starting sequence of 3, 2, 1, Go. The details were on the race board but the change caused confusion, apologies for that. In future I’m happy to run the race for either 30 or 40 minutes using the IYRU starting sequence of 5, 4, 1, Go or the training 3, 2, 1, Go. Please let me know your preferences and I’ll follow the majority, subject to non-racing activity.
The wind picked up just before the 303s started and they set off in a bunch led by Brian followed by Steve, Mark, and Fay. The wind had dropped a little by the time the faster classes started but there was plenty of wind to drive them. The Martin and 2.4s all crossed the start line overlapping each other, very impressive. Brian held his lead for the first lap but Mark had overtaken Steve to get into second, followed by Steve. Peter Gregory had managed to recover most of his handicap, being the fourth person to complete the first lap.
The length of the lap and the wind strength meant that only two laps were completed.
It was noticeable that the boats towards the back of the fleet had their sails flapping more often and ventured into the low/no wind area under the trees approaching ‘C’. Remember if the water is flat there is probably no wind and the only time your sail should flap is slowing down to approach the pontoon to land. You won’t be disqualified for practicing before the race and if you want somebody to give you tips, ASK.
I’m not yet technically competent enough to update the series results but will do so. Enough of you have completed 5 races to see a pecking order emerge. The table will show where you stand in the series to date.
Finally I’m aware that a lot has gone on while I’ve been away. When Peter Ashwell returns I’m bound to hear what you’ve requested but please tell both of us what it is you want as its your race, we just watch.
Happy Sailing
Bob Marsh
Results: Peter Gregory, Mark, Peter Wagner, Mike, Steve, Bob, Brian, Andy, and Fay.