Last Thursday (1st October) was a fantastic day for sailing. Horizon-to-horizon sunshine and the strength of the wind grew from hardly creating a ripple on the water at 8.30am to 20 knots by midday. Of course, being Chipstead Lake, the wind was gusty as well and shifting around between E and NNE. Quite a few WS Racers… Read More
After some torrential rain early in the day – when WS’s gallant volunteers were getting the boats in the water and rigging them (“Thank you!” Ed.) – the sun came out and a steady W / NW wind started to blow. So by mid-day 8 WS Racers and 2 volunteers were ready to race. There… Read More
It was a near perfect day for sailing, lots of sunshine and a good NW breeze. Immediately after the presentation of the Queen’s Award, 10 boats and 14 sailors eagerly took to the water in readiness for Race 7 of the Summer Series. Four classes of boat took part, 4 entrants in 303 Access, 3… Read More
There were so many photos, so here is a second selection of the many taken on 17th September 2015, the day Wealden Sailability were officially presented with the Queens Award for Voluntary Services.… Read More
Here is a selection of the many photos taken on 17th September 2015, the day Wealden Sailability were officially presented with the Queens Award for Voluntary Services. It was a great day, hopefully reflected by this small selection..… Read More
Thursday 17th September was a very special day as it was the day that Wealden Sailability were officially presented with the Queens Award for Voluntary Services 2015, by the Vice Lord Lieutenant of Kent. The idea was to let the Vice Lord Lieutenant have a chance to see Wealden in action. This he certainly did.… Read More