We hope you all had a decent winter and the wet and the cold hasn’t been too much of an inconvenience !  Most of the weather in our region this week has been rather pleasant and (I hope) means Spring might be just around the corner. At my allotment, bulbs have burst into flowers and… Read More

Yesterday (29 October) the weather forecast was for steady rain and a 20-30 knot wind. Not exactly the conditions most sailors would have liked for the final race of the Summer Series, nevertheless six 303, two Liberty and one Martin helm turned up to race and they were rewarded with far better sailing conditions than those forecast. And they were… Read More

Yesterday (22 October) was the penultimate race of the Summer Series and it was a real challenge for the 11 Racers who took part. The wind was (as it often is) the main reason for the challenge, not only because its strength  fluctuated between a slight ruffle up to a decent 15 knot breeze, but… Read More

Last Thursday (Oct 15) began as a drizzly, cold day with little breeze but, since gusts up to 20 mph had been forecast for later in the morning, the Session manager asked that sails be reefed when we set up the dinghies. However, once the first WS clients arrived it began to warm up and the… Read More

Last Thursday (1st October) was a fantastic day for sailing. Horizon-to-horizon sunshine and the strength of the wind grew from hardly creating a ripple on the water at 8.30am to 20 knots by midday.  Of course, being Chipstead Lake, the wind was gusty as well and shifting around between E and NNE.  Quite a few WS Racers… Read More

After some torrential rain early in the day – when WS’s gallant volunteers were getting the boats in the water and rigging them (“Thank you!” Ed.) – the sun came out and a steady W / NW wind started to blow. So by mid-day 8 WS Racers and 2 volunteers were ready to race. There… Read More