At the Trustees’ meeting on 10th November, David McKee tendered his resignation both as Chair and Trustee of Wealden Sailability. His dedicated service in both roles has been hugely valuable to the Charity over more than 12 years.
His charm, good humour and inexhaustible supply of funny stories may have been the most visible part of his involvement to all volunteers and clients while his wisdom and fine leadership of the Trustees and the whole operation have been more ‘behind the scenes’ but no less valuable in making Wealden Sailability what it has become. Our sincere thanks and appreciation have been well and truly earned.
It is great to report, however, that David has agreed to join Brian Stanley as an Honorary President and will be continuing his close association with WS as a volunteer, attending sessions regularly whenever he is not off sailing in Scotland or travelling elsewhere.

Someone has to take on the tricky task of following in his footsteps as the new Chair and the Trustees have unanimously elected Jof Buttery to that role for the initial three year period as set out in our constitution. He has been quick to state that he is only one amongst equals when it comes to both the Trustees and the whole body of volunteers – Wealden Sailability is very much the sum of the contributions of everyone involved and he looks forward to working with everyone to make sure the Charity and its whole operation continues to offer the relaxed, safe atmosphere that is enjoyed and valued by both our client sailors and the volunteers.