2 comments on “Sailing is on for Thursday 25th July BUT … due to the lake being very busy with RYA courses and Kids Club There will be no sailing for the next two Tuesdays – 30th July and 6th August. You are welcome to come on the Thursday sessions instead but let us know by responding to the ASK. This Thursday is looking warmish and a bit wet so bring (and wear) plenty of sunscreen and a waterproof. Do keep a watch on this web site as will advise you of any change as it is a bit early for a reliable weather forecast

  • Thank you for the notice. So good that sailing will start again . I am hoping to come along with Thomas but his confidence has gone and he is not sure about it. I will try to persuade him again in the morning. We may just come and watch. If not we will really try for next week. Thank you all for starting up again. It has really helped Tom in the past.

    • Good to hear from you. If there is anything I can do to help let me know or give me a call on 01732 454197. It is a long time since I have seen Tom and it would be nice to get him out on a boat(and hear him singing!).

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